I have finally entered the new era of readership. Ladies and gents, I own an e-reader. A Kindle Paperwhite, to be exact. It’s fabulous. Or he, rather. His name is Sir Roderigo (20 points if you get that reference), and he entered my life on Christmas.
Yeah, I used to be one of those book-in-my-hands type. (Honestly, I’ll always haunt used book stores for a good deal.) But one day, I realized that any time I travelled, my bag was stuffed with a “just in case I get bored” book and a “in case I’m not in the mood for the other one” book and a “in case I finish one of the others” book. (So I hate to be bored, all right?) (more…)
This time of year, everyone’s talking politics, campaigns, amendments. There are debates, both on tv and in the office, and more political advertisements than a person could possibly need. All to get your vote. And sometimes it seems like one vote is just a drop in the bucket. Sometimes it is.
But sometimes one vote is the pebble that tips the balance.
It was just an ordinary school election. As Student Body VP, part of my duties included counting the votes for the Freshman President election. There were two people running. It was a simple enough task. Being a good little organized student, I developed a chart so I could keep the votes divided by homeroom before I tallied. (more…)