new Amelia

Her name is Amelia Earhart. She’s a pilot.

She’s alive.

Not the one who disappeared in 1937. This isn’t some weird “Amelia sighting” or something. I’m talking about a 30-year-old woman with the same name who also has dreams to fly around the world.

You have to wonder, with a name like that, if she feels compelled to follow in the original Amelia’s footsteps. But for whatever reason, our generation’s Amelia Earhart will be attempting to fly around the world in June, following the path the original Amelia was never able to complete. If she’s successful, she will be the youngest woman to recreate that flight.

She has a great reason for her passion:

“There are so few women in flight. Six percent of pilots are female. So, we’d like to boost that number up and show that you don’t have to be a tomboy to go out to the airport. All kinds of women are in aviation. I’m one of them, and luckily, I have the perfect name to hopefully get girls excited.”

Forget superficial pop stars and vain actors. This woman is someone who should be applauded by my generation and the next. It’s women like her that little girls should be admiring.

My prayers are with you, new Amelia. I look forward to watching you make history.

If you want to read more about the new Amelia, you can find an article here.

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