Come fly with me…

If you know me, you know I like to be helpful. I also like to be prepared. (Bandaids in my bag? You bet. Hand sanitizer? Obviously. Need Tylenol? I’m here for you.) So it should be no surprise that when it comes to traveling, I like to do my research, and since I recently got back from a week of travel, just in case you’ll be traveling soon (the holidays are racing toward us!), I want to share a few items that could help make traveling easier. (more…)

new Amelia

Her name is Amelia Earhart. She’s a pilot.

She’s alive.

Not the one who disappeared in 1937. This isn’t some weird “Amelia sighting” or something. I’m talking about a 30-year-old woman with the same name who also has dreams to fly around the world. (more…)