As of last week, I am now thirty. I bet to you that seems ancient. I mean, hello, that’s like twice your age. I bet you think I have things figured out, that I sail through life with the confidence of a grown woman. I don’t. But I have learned a few things, tips to pass on that could make your life easier now. Let’s start with a practical one…
Embrace hydration.
I know. It sounds like something your parents would say. But let me tell you, it’s ridiculously important, not just for your overall health, but, on a slightly vain note, it’s great for your skin, keeps it healthy and elastic so it stretches more easily as you grow. (more…)
It’s that time of year. The time when people think about what they’re thankful for and celebrate holidays with family. It forces us to look at the good. Although really, how long does that last?
Here’s the thing: we always have a choice. Not just during this season, but all year long.
I could look at all the bad stuff that’s happened in my life. I could pile piece upon piece until I have a mountain of “why did that happen” and “it’s not fair” and stories that would make people feel sorry for me. When you pile up all of those, it starts to look like a pretty impressive mountain of bad, and it’s easy to think the good can’t outweigh it. (more…)
You don’t know me. But I know you, because I’ve been where you are. Sitting at your desk, trying to figure out who the heck you are and what you’re going to be. With a thousand voices coming at you, telling you who you should be and how you should act and what you should dream.
It’s a lot to deal with. Anyone who says differently is lying. (Or super old. Like, so old they can’t remember being under 40.)
Your life is complicated. And messy. And stressful. (more…)