
“Describe yourself in one sentence.”

“Pick one word that represents you.”

“Select a username.”

For most writers, these are requests that send terror into our souls. I’m terrified at the thought of using only one sentence to represent myself or pick one word that sums me up. I’m a writer. One word to express everything I want to convey? Do you realize how much pressure that is?? (more…)

still, I will dance

Two weeks ago today, death snuck into my home and took my amazing cat. It feels weird to call her my cat because she was so much more — she was convinced she was a human and sometimes she acted like it. (And to be honest, I liked her better than most humans.) At the risk of sounding like a weird cat lady, I have to admit, she was one of my best friends. (more…)

between these two worlds

Isn’t it funny how life can keep us from living? We get so wrapped up in everyday life we forget to really live.

Or maybe we don’t actually forget, but simply find time is the harsh judge who forces us to choose one or the other. And so, like obedient little bees, we work. We do what we must, what the rest of society demands of us. We hover around the flowers, collect pollen, but never take the time to enjoy those flowers; we are utterly blind to their beauty. (more…)