a story to tell

It was a day of misinformation, of bits and pieces that were whispered from hall to hall. I think about my high school years a lot. Not in a sweetly reminiscent, “weren’t those the days” kind of way, but as a benchmark, a comparison for where I am now. And like 99% of Americans, I remember this day more clearly than most of the others.

I had just sat down in my physics class – 3rd period, around 9:30 am. It wasn’t my favorite place to be, but it was ten times better than pre-cal. My friend, and the only other junior in the class, slid into the seat next to me.

“Did you hear?” he asked. “Some bozo just flew his plane into the World Trade Center.” (more…)

all in

When I was 9, I started lessons on my very first musical instrument – the piano. Thing was, having two competitive siblings play the same instrument wasn’t the best idea, especially when one (my brother) was several years ahead of the other (me).

When I was 10, I started playing the flute.  I didn’t really choose it. It just happened to be the other instrument my music instructor taught. I guess you could say the flute chose me.

So I went for it. (more…)

first sip

There’s a magical moment toward the beginning of my day. It’s my first sip of freshly-ground, freshly-brewed coffee – a delightful blend of Sumatra Iskandar and Decaf Ethiopian with a splash of fabulous creamer (like International Delight’s Almond Joy. So good.). It’s that moment one second after I wonder if I’ve got the right balance of strength and creamer.

There are moments of our lives like that too, when we’re dancing on the edge of something incredible. We hesitate, two seconds away from venturing into it, delicious anticipation dancing on our tongues. (more…)