Fitzgerald & Hemingway

It’s no secret F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of my favorite authors. He’s got that “it” factor everyone is looking for, a unique style (in the writing world, it’s called voice) that lets you read a line and say “aha! Yes, this is Fitzgerald.”

What’s particularly fascinating to me is his friendship with Hemingway. (The letters between them are delightful to read.) In terms of literary style, the two are night and day. Fitzgerald is form and Hemingway is function. Fitzgerald is “Shall I tell you a story?” and Hemingway is “Here’s what happened.”

I found myself wondering, what if Twitter were around when they were alive? What would they say? This is my best guess. (more…)

Independence Day

On the weekend when Americans celebrate their freedom, as on most holidays, my mind wanders to the incredible men and women who defend that freedom.

To those who serve, whatever their uniform or attire, I say thank you. And to their families, who make sacrifices that are so often overlooked, I offer my heartfelt gratitude and respect.

Our country exists because of brave souls like them who, 240 years ago, summoned their courage and refused to yield, using whatever talents they could offer to construct the framework of a new country.

May we never take that hard-won freedom for granted and may we ever be inspired to find for our talents a bold and beautiful purpose. Happy Independence Day.


Unless you live off the grid, you know there have been a lot of tragic accidents lately. And I’ve seen a ton of reactions. I’ve seen so many people laying blame and almost as many declaring “shame on you” to the blamers.

I can’t be one of them.

Don’t get me wrong, I would never say that laying blame in an accident is acceptable. But I can’t find it in me to shame the blamers.
