shades of life

Yesterday, I got a package. And although I knew what was inside, pulling it out made me grin like a five-year-old eyeing her birthday cake.

What was it, you ask, that delighted me so?

A paint deck. As in, every color you could ever imagine, all together in one place.

Beautiful, isn’t it? Lest you picture something small, let me tell you — it’s 11 inches in length, 3 1/2 inches thick. And it’s a good thing I’ve been working out because it sure isn’t light. It’s not just a paint deck. It could double as a weapon or possibly a baseball bat. As a multi-tasker myself, I appreciate that. (more…)


The pain wells up,
And it tries to drown you,
Pulls you down deep.
There’s nothing you can do.

Accident, tragedy,
Heartbreak, despair.
It swirls all around you.
“God, are you there?” (more…)


Every little girl dreams of being a princess.

At least that’s the common belief. But I have to tell you, it ain’t true. I may have played at being a princess with my friends, but it definitely wasn’t what I wanted for my life. I wanted to be an actor or a writer. (And there was a brief stint of wanting to be a waitress. Yeah, I don’t know what that was about. I’m sure my career aspirations scared the mess out of my logical, practical parents.)

We’ve romanticized the idea of being a princess. It means being special, wealthy, loved. And so we think, “hey, if we can make girls feel like princesses, they’ll understand their self-worth.”

Too many fairy tales, people. (more…)