It’s a fall of premieres

If you’ve been anywhere near a tv or the internet lately, you know there have been a ton of new shows premiering this fall. But how’s a person to figure out which ones to watch? Well, you could quit your job and watch one after another until you run out of money to pay your rent/mortgage and have no food to eat.

Or you could just let me make suggestions. Cause I’m helpful like that. For me, a few new shows stand out from the rest. Let me break down my top three for you. (All air times are in EDT. Cause, East Coast girl here.) (more…)

Halee’s guide to Netflix

I can’t help myself—I’m like a personalized TV/movie/books recommendation service sometimes. Not because I know so much (what I wouldn’t give to be The Oracle!), but simply because I have an excellent memory and widely ranging preferences. And let’s be honest, who couldn’t use a little help when it comes to digging through Netflix to find the true gems? Do allow me to lend a hand . . . (more…)