You have some strong opinions about Millennials, don’t you? It feels like we can’t turn around without seeing another article about how we’re lazy, a comment about how we’re too sensitive, a snarky meme about how we all need trophies.
You make fun of us for those participation trophies we got as kids, but we didn’t exactly buy them for ourselves when we were five. Naw. Ya’ll bought them, Baby Boomer parents. Not us. (more…)
If you saw this woman at the Olympic games, what would you think?
Ans Botha (Lloyd Burnard)
You’d probably think she was someone’s grandmother, right? And you wouldn’t be wrong. This 74-year-old woman is, in fact, a grandmother. Even a great-grandmother.
And that’s what officials saw as they turned her away from restricted areas, likely assuming she was confused, an elderly lady misdirected on the way to her seat. (more…)
Doing some research for my characters, I stumbled across some MBTI posts about what certain types think about all day. And naturally, I looked up my type but I couldn’t find a post like it. So I said to myself “hello, you’re a writer. You write it.”
So here it is. In case you were wondering, here’s my take on what us INFPs think about all day. (more…)