Hi, you. Yes. You. You’re fantastic, you know that? You’re pushing toward your goals, balancing work with life and friends. It’s exhausting, I know.
It’s easy to lose sight of things, to feel like you’re drowning in tasks and a never-ending to-do list and a pile of laundry that grows exponentially by the minute. But you’re more than those details that beg your attention. You’ve got ideas about things, dreams for the future. There’s no one on this earth quite like you. Your life — it means something to this world. You may not know exactly what it means yet, but it has its own special significance.
(Plus, you read my blog which makes you a thousand times cooler than those oblivious people out there. ;))
So here’s to you—to your dreams, to your life. Here’s to your unique place in this world that desperately needs you. Get out there and do incredible things. And know that I’m cheering you on.
Do you ever stop to think about where you were a year ago? I do. Quite a lot. Because my life seems to change rather quickly.
A year ago, I was just starting a summer internship. I would roll out of bed at 5:42 am, put on a suit and heels, and drive an hour in DC traffic. I was halfway through my masters program. I was working on a novel, although I didn’t tell many people about it. I didn’t know if I could write any fiction worth reading. (more…)
I had a rare experience a couple weeks ago. It happened as I was pulling up to the Starbucks drive-thru. I aimed Luna (my car) into the narrow lane and was thrilled to see there wasn’t a line. The sun was shining, a light breeze was ruffling the trees. A wonderful day.
And then I realized — I had no idea what I wanted.
I always know what I want. I consider it before I leave the apartment. I know whether it’s an iced coffee or hot coffee kind of day. After I decide that, I cycle through my favorite options and find the right one to fit the day. And then I rehearse it in my mind because it usually has over four words. (What can I say? I’m complicated, and so is my coffee.)