You can’t go anywhere these days without hearing or reading something about weight loss and how to get the perfect body. In a society obsessed with appearance, it’s not surprising. Most opinions seem to follow one of two trends.
The wind hurled raindrops at my skin like tiny, watery darts. My hair blew in my face, flying around water-smeared sunglasses while waves slapped at my ankles. My world was a blurry swirl of wetness and cold. I was tired and miserable, trudging on while the world assailed me.
The edge of something in the sand caught my eye, a sand dollar maybe?
My spirits started to lift. How neat would that be? I thought. I’d never found a whole sand dollar before. The only one I had was a gift from a shop owner in Oregon when I was there on my 19th birthday. (more…)
It whispered to me as I rushed by, a hint of pink blushing the clouds. “Come look,” it murmured. Only the edge of a sunset was visible from inside our apartment. But it was promising me more. Not yelling or demanding my attention. Just whispering.
I listened.
I’ve learned, over the past few years, to listen to those whispers, to recognize the moments that deserve appreciation. Life is short and these moments aren’t promised to us.
I ventured out onto the balcony and found the whispered promise beyond expectation. (more…)