
“This above all: to thine own self be true.” ~ Polonius (Shakespeare)

I used to think that quote was talking about following your dreams, ensuring that your actions fit who you are and all that. But as I’ve gotten older (yeah, okay, I’m not using a walker yet, I know), it’s started to have a different meaning for me. It’s not about actions at all, it’s about being.

Specifically, being honest enough with yourself to be yourself. It’s not as simple as some motivational poster telling you to be yourself. We’re a thousand times more complicated than that. (more…)


I’ve decided to start incorporating some writing prompts into my blogging routine, just to keep those creative juices flowing. So here’s the first one, courtesy of Writing Prompts Tumblr. (And yes, I know it has a typo in it, but it makes me smile. And it makes me think I’m being questioned by an owl.)

writing prompt - mentor

I’ve never actually had a mentor. It’s something I think about sometimes, how I wish I’d had someone like that who’d made a long-term investment in me. (Ya know, besides family.) But gosh, if I could pick anyone… (more…)

dear winter

Don’t listen to everyone else–I still like you. I’m sorry everyone is annoyed with you right now. They get tired of the cool temperatures easily. The novelty of snow has worn off now, especially when meteorologists predict it and it never comes. But it’s not your fault that they get paid whether they’re right or wrong.

But I still like you. I like you because I haven’t forgotten what the summer heat is like, how it makes me feel like my skin is going to melt right off. I haven’t forgotten how the humidity wraps around me like a thick, wet towel in a sauna. Everyone else’s memories may be short, but mine is not. (more…)

e-read it

I have finally entered the new era of readership. Ladies and gents, I own an e-reader. A Kindle Paperwhite, to be exact. It’s fabulous. Or he, rather. His name is Sir Roderigo (20 points if you get that reference), and he entered my life on Christmas.

Yeah, I used to be one of those book-in-my-hands type. (Honestly, I’ll always haunt used book stores for a good deal.) But one day, I realized that any time I travelled, my bag was stuffed with a “just in case I get bored” book and a “in case I’m not in the mood for the other one” book and a “in case I finish one of the others” book. (So I hate to be bored, all right?) (more…)

creatures of the road

I drive a lot these days. And when you consider how that driving takes place in the DC metro area, you have to agree it’s like Driving 2.0. We’re not talking peaceful country roads. It’s madness out there. Thankfully, I only venture out safely ensconced in Luna and armed with one assumption: most drivers are idiots.

I’m never disappointed.

There’s a whole jungle a lot of strange creatures out there. Like:

The GPS Drivers. Given that DC is a major tourist destination, we seem to have a lot of these. They’re the ones who drive 10 under the speed limit, braking intermittently. Until they realize they need to make a right turn. From the left lane. Then they cut off whoever is in their way (because obviously no one is allowed to turn around. Ever. If you miss your turn, you’re done.) (more…)