As promised, the continuation of my birthday weekend adventure:
After playing murder in the icebox, Beth and I hefted towels, food, water, and Orli (my camera) and planted ourselves on the beach. The sky was clear, the sun warm.
We sat, enjoying this view and chatting. Until Beth turned and looked behind me.
“Oh wow!” she exclaimed.
(Can I just say, it makes me seriously nervous when people look behind me and make strange faces.) (more…)
One of the places Beth took me two weekends ago was a lovely, historic beach home named Atalaya (Spanish for watchtower). Built by a businessman for his sculptor wife, it sits feet from the beach, a refuge for Archer and Anna Huntington. The perfect introverts’ sanctuary since it has no guest quarters. On purpose. I so get these people.
Ok, so from the outside, it doesn’t look all that incredible. I mean, the teal is cool, but just wait until we get inside… (more…)
When I was only 8 years old, I experienced something incredible. I was in my first play. (Not counting the random skits put on to entertain family.)
Over the course of two summer weeks, I had lessons in dance, drama, and voice at a local civic center, all culminating in a mostly-kids production of The Hobbit.
Not gonna lie, I kinda rocked the goblin look, don’t you think?
(Gotta love the orange circles around my eyes. Note to self: add that to your makeup routine. Great way to draw attention to your eyes.) (more…)
This is my birthday week. That’s right. On Thursday night, I will officially be 28.
I say officially because I’ve thought I was 28 since a month after I turned 27. I don’t know what it was about 27 I apparently found so offensive that I wanted to skip it. Really couldn’t tell you. It seems like a nice number. I have nothing against it. But for some reason, anytime someone asked, my brain kept telling me I was 28.
So apparently I’m going to keep turning 28. And to celebrate, I get to have two fabulous weekends. (more…)