As a writer, I adore characters. So not only do I love to read, I also love to watch tv. Because characters–they’re everywhere! One show that has swiftly become a favorite of mine is Once Upon a Time (OUAT). Why do I love it? I have a list for that. (more…)
Confession: I’m totally jealous of people who can fall asleep any time, anywhere.
Granted, I’m sure it’s a tad annoying when you fall asleep in the middle of a boring meeting, but you have no idea what a blessing it is to know that when you lie down, you will fall asleep.
It’s not that simple for me. See, it’s highly likely that I have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS). (It’s totally a real thing, I promise.) It basically means that I can’t fall asleep at a “normal time” so it’s hard to get up at a socially acceptable time. A lot of people don’t get that. They’re all, “Why don’t you just go to bed earlier?” (more…)
“Are we gonna see Big Bertha today?” Her excited face peered up at me.
The other campers were quick to join in. “Ooh, yeah, can we see Big Bertha? Please?”
I paused. “Um, I guess we’ll see . . . You just never know.”
It was a safe answer. Especially considering I had no idea who Big Bertha was. It certainly wasn’t another member of staff. There was a lot of wildlife around the camp (appropriate since it was an outdoor center). A raccoon maybe? A giant one? I knew it couldn’t be some sort of reptile because there was no way the girls would be that excited. I had no clue. (more…)
A talented man died on Monday. He was the person everyone wanted to be best friends with. He made a lot of people laugh and breathed life into a whole melange of characters.
He took his own life.
A lot of people struggle to understand it. “He was so successful,” they say. “He had a family. He had children!” They have trouble understanding how someone who seemed to have it all could end it all.
Every now and then, we writers like to take a minute to tell you what it’s like to do what we do. ‘Cause it ain’t no small thing, lemme tell ya. I was tagged by the fabulous Laurie Tomlinson to participate in a series of questions about life as a writer.
1. What are you currently working on?
I’m anxiously awaiting feedback from my fabulous critique partners on a completed (and revised and revised again) mystery. In the meantime, the next one, book two in a three-book series, is begging to be written. It will continue the journey of the main character introduced in book one. (more…)