Leave Me by the Sea

(I’m making the executive decision to push Word Nerd Wednesday to next week in favor of sharing pics from my vacation last week.)

I love the beach. I don’t just mean, “Why yes, it is a rather lovely vacation spot.” I mean I love the beach. I’ve been told by the human who knows me best that no one loves the beach as much as I do. Which is both happy and sad. (Happy: I win! Sad: what is wrong with everyone else??)



The pain wells up,
And it tries to drown you,
Pulls you down deep.
There’s nothing you can do.

Accident, tragedy,
Heartbreak, despair.
It swirls all around you.
“God, are you there?” (more…)

what is

They flutter and tremble in the breeze,
Ribbon shreds of possibility,
Slowly slipping through her fingers,
What should and would and ought to be.

They whisper sweetly of dreams and hopes,
Wonderful, grand, and boundless,
Begging her to dream of all that awaits,
A future of beauty and happiness.

Look at us, think of us, they cry.
But with a smile, she sets them free,
Releasing them to the capricious winds,
Liberating herself from what could be.

The whispers fade, carried far away.
In the silence, her soul emerges.
The ribbons that bound her life have vanished.
What remains, what is left—what is.