Work It Out

Today I found myself pondering what I wanted to blog about. What was on my mind? Nothing specific was pushing to the forefront and I needed to work out anyway, so I put on my new leggings. That’s when I realized, mid-shimmy into my new leggings: workout clothes. Workout clothes are on my mind.

That sounds shallow, I know. But let me tell you, it’s no easy thing to find workout clothes as a woman. Well, finding any well-fitting clothes as a woman basically involves magic and math and the sacrifice of a dozen goats.


Goodbye, Cheese

I’m not someone who backs down from a challenge. Truth is, sometimes I even go after it, smack it in the face and go “whatcha gonna do??” So when my husband came home from the doctor a few months ago and told me he had to avoid the most common food allergens for the next five to six months . . . well, I’ll be honest, first I thought about cheese.

I’m Southern, okay? There is no main dish that cannot be improved by the addition of cheese. (more…)

It’s a fall of premieres

If you’ve been anywhere near a tv or the internet lately, you know there have been a ton of new shows premiering this fall. But how’s a person to figure out which ones to watch? Well, you could quit your job and watch one after another until you run out of money to pay your rent/mortgage and have no food to eat.

Or you could just let me make suggestions. Cause I’m helpful like that. For me, a few new shows stand out from the rest. Let me break down my top three for you. (All air times are in EDT. Cause, East Coast girl here.) (more…)