sunlight & assumptions

This weekend, I lounged by a pool with a book and a super-cute pair of sunglasses. The water sparkled like a thousand tiny stars, the sunlight was bright and warm on my skin. If I had taken a picture, you would’ve seen exactly what I described. And if I stopped my description there, you’d probably think it sounded like paradise.

But that’s not the entire picture. The sun might have been warm, but the air was approximately 57 degrees, with a powerful wind that would kick up and make me wish I had a big, fuzzy blanket. (more…)

option what?

I had a rare experience a couple weeks ago. It happened as I was pulling up to the Starbucks drive-thru. I aimed Luna (my car) into the narrow lane and was thrilled to see there wasn’t a line. The sun was shining, a light breeze was ruffling the trees. A wonderful day.

And then I realized — I had no idea what I wanted.

I always know what I want. I consider it before I leave the apartment. I know whether it’s an iced coffee or hot coffee kind of day. After I decide that, I cycle through my favorite options and find the right one to fit the day. And then I rehearse it in my mind because it usually has over four words. (What can I say? I’m complicated, and so is my coffee.)

Except that day. (more…)

rednecks and southern belles

Stereotypes. They’re all around us. They make our lives easier. They’re categories to put people in so we don’t actually have to get to know them as individuals.

And one of the strongest, most-enduring stereotype is that of the typical Southerner. I mean, we all know what a typical Southerner looks and sounds like, right? Having grown up in NC and lived in several states throughout the South, I feel well-equipped to address a few of those pesky stereotypes. Ready? Let’s jump right in.

1. Southerners have a funny accent.

Some do, some don’t. Did you hear that? Let me say it again: some don’t. Are you shocked?  (more…)

shades of life

Yesterday, I got a package. And although I knew what was inside, pulling it out made me grin like a five-year-old eyeing her birthday cake.

What was it, you ask, that delighted me so?

A paint deck. As in, every color you could ever imagine, all together in one place.

Beautiful, isn’t it? Lest you picture something small, let me tell you — it’s 11 inches in length, 3 1/2 inches thick. And it’s a good thing I’ve been working out because it sure isn’t light. It’s not just a paint deck. It could double as a weapon or possibly a baseball bat. As a multi-tasker myself, I appreciate that. (more…)


The pain wells up,
And it tries to drown you,
Pulls you down deep.
There’s nothing you can do.

Accident, tragedy,
Heartbreak, despair.
It swirls all around you.
“God, are you there?” (more…)