creatures of the road

I drive a lot these days. And when you consider how that driving takes place in the DC metro area, you have to agree it’s like Driving 2.0. We’re not talking peaceful country roads. It’s madness out there. Thankfully, I only venture out safely ensconced in Luna and armed with one assumption: most drivers are idiots.

I’m never disappointed.

There’s a whole jungle a lot of strange creatures out there. Like:

The GPS Drivers. Given that DC is a major tourist destination, we seem to have a lot of these. They’re the ones who drive 10 under the speed limit, braking intermittently. Until they realize they need to make a right turn. From the left lane. Then they cut off whoever is in their way (because obviously no one is allowed to turn around. Ever. If you miss your turn, you’re done.) (more…)

best of 2012

All right, everyone’s doing it. I guess I’ll jump on the boat. (Or wagon. Or whatever it is.) Here’s my look back at what happened in 2012.

1. I received my official master’s diploma. (Technically I finished school in December 2011, but my diploma didn’t arrive until March 2012).

2. I wrote a second novel and started a third. (more…)

it’s the most awww-kward time… of the year

You know what I’m talking about. This poor, confused week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. It has identity issues. It’s like a pre-teen, trying to figure out who she is while she stares at her big sister’s hand-me-downs.

This week has no idea whether it’s Christmas-time or New Year’s-time. We don’t know whether to say Merry Christmas or Happy New Year or something in-between. We’re still basking in the glow of Christmas, still listening to Christmas music. And yet, we know the new year is flying toward us.

Like what, we’re supposed to throw off the Christmas merriment we’ve been anticipating for the past two months and embrace the whole “new year, new start” perspective? Transition from holiday treats and indulgences to new year’s resolutions within one week? I’m pretty sure that’s not healthy. (more…)