of mysteries and unexplained phenomena

When you buy a house, you acquire a number of mysteries. I’m not talking about doors closing on their own or thumps in the night or unclaimed boxes in the attic. No, our house mystery came in the form of a single light switch.

Light switches themselves are not mysterious. Flip the switch, a light turns on. Not complicated. (Assuming you have enough bulbs.)

Except this switch–a switch in our bedroom that didn’t seem to control anything in our bedroom, oddly enough. We joked, as we flipped it on and off repeatedly, that somewhere a light was flashing like an S-O-S signal. Or maybe a garage door was flying up and down. Who knew? Not us, clearly. (more…)

shattered, a night story

I… have incredibly strange dreams. It’s not a new phenomenon. I’ve always had intense, action-packed dreams. Often more interesting than the last book I read. I have no idea why, but I have to admit–I kinda like it. (I’m a story-teller; would you expect any other reaction?)

One of my latest ones really takes the cake for suspense dreams so I thought I’d share it with you. Are you ready for this? (Probably not, but here we go…) (more…)


“This above all: to thine own self be true.” ~ Polonius (Shakespeare)

I used to think that quote was talking about following your dreams, ensuring that your actions fit who you are and all that. But as I’ve gotten older (yeah, okay, I’m not using a walker yet, I know), it’s started to have a different meaning for me. It’s not about actions at all, it’s about being.

Specifically, being honest enough with yourself to be yourself. It’s not as simple as some motivational poster telling you to be yourself. We’re a thousand times more complicated than that. (more…)