what INFPs think about all day

Doing some research for my characters, I stumbled across some MBTI posts about what certain types think about all day. And naturally, I looked up my type but I couldn’t find a post like it. So I said to myself “hello, you’re a writer. You write it.”

So here it is. In case you were wondering, here’s my take on what us INFPs think about all day. (more…)

the broken ones

The wind hurled raindrops at my skin like tiny, watery darts. My hair blew in my face, flying around water-smeared sunglasses while waves slapped at my ankles. My world was a blurry swirl of wetness and cold. I was tired and miserable, trudging on while the world assailed me.

The edge of something in the sand caught my eye, a sand dollar maybe?

My spirits started to lift. How neat would that be? I thought. I’d never found a whole sand dollar before. The only one I had was a gift from a shop owner in Oregon when I was there on my 19th birthday. (more…)


Just back from a work trip, and let me tell you, Florida was fabulous. I’ve never been to such a tropical-feeling place. Here’s a sample of what I saw there.

Some gorgeous bay views (and thankfully no alligators!).
FL waters
