the stalker

I have a stalker.

It was cute at first. Everyone else assured me it was innocent fun. They all loved him.

“He’s so great!” they all said. “What kind of person wouldn’t love him?”

But the whole situation spiraled downward quickly. It went from casual acquaintanceship to serious stalking in under a month. (more…)

be winter nice

There’s been a lot of winter happening lately. (Hey, all you people who adore snow? Please remember this winter the next time you start hoping for snow, mmkay?)

We’ve had mounds of snow, bullets of sleet, layers of ice. And it keeps coming. Honestly, it snows here about once a week now. Sometimes twice.

To be honest, even though I don’t like snow, I’ll take the cold weather over the sweltering summer heat any day. But it’s surprised me how many people don’t know how to behave in snowy weather. I’ve decided I’ll help them out. (Isn’t that so nice of me?) So here are Halee’s Rules of Snow-etiquette. (more…)

a cup of kindness

I stared at her. I’d never heard those words before.

Well, I’d heard the words before, but not in that order.

“The lady in the car in front of you paid for your coffee.” The words had come from the barista working the Starbucks drive-thru window.

My first thought was “why?” but then I remembered that people sometimes like to do nice things for other people. I forget that sometimes while I’m trying not to be killed by self-absorbed drivers on my commute to work. (more…)