the Find

February. The month of love. That time of the year when everyone thinks about romance and chocolates and flowers.

So I’m pondering murder.

(Come on. Don’t pretend you didn’t see that coming.)

Specifically, I’m thinking about one of my favorite pieces of a good murder mystery, a moment I like to call “the Find.” (more…)

the case of the impatient heart

“Here’s what a normal EKG result looks like.” The cardiologist flipped over my printout and started sketching.

It’s always interesting when a medical professional starts with “Here’s what normal looks like.” Because I know the results they’re about to show me will be not-so-normal. (more…)

it’s about to get real

Confession: I hate it when writers complain about how hard it is to write.

I’m not gonna pretend it’s always easy, as if the moment you sit down, inspiration comes streaming in like sunlight through an open window in summer.

Yes, there are days when you sit and stare at a blank page and it stares back at you, unblinking, trying to suck your soul dry and make you question everything. There are days when it’s incredibly hard work to get words on the page, and even harder work to make sure those words aren’t the worst drivel you’ve ever written. I get that.

But. (more…)