I should have known. I should have seen it coming. But I was misled, tricked by the cute little cars strung together.
I had underestimated it, snickered at the sign that told me to rest my head against the headrest back while the ride “launched” me.
Launched. Yeah right.
I rolled my eyes at the people on the ride in front of me who screamed as it took off. Dramatic much?
I thought it was going to be a fun, kiddish ride.
I was so very wrong.
It wasn’t an unreasonable conclusion. I mean, it was a roller coaster ride with baby Mini Coopers strung together. You don’t look at a Mini Cooper ride and think “oh yeah, this is going to be intense.”
But they weren’t kidding when they said “launched.” That ride rocketed us like projectile vomit. And it only got worse.
This theme park rated their rides on a scale from 1 (aka merry-go-round) to 5. If I had checked the brochure, it would have told me these cute little cars had earned a 5, i.e. “extreme thrill ride.”
I had taken it at what I presumed was face value. I looked at the little cars and thought “how cute; this will be a nice, easy-going ride.”
I should have known. I’ve been underestimated too. People look at me and make assumptions about who I am and what I can do. (Of course, that’s assuming they see me at all. I’m quite good at being invisible.)
I’m getting better, though, at letting people see who I am from the start, at being unafraid to show my personality.
But I underestimate more than just rides; I underestimate people too, sometimes. I rely too much on what I can see and not enough on potential. And other times I overestimate people, but I’d rather assume good than bad. Sure, if you assume the worst, you’ll be protected against disappointment, but what kind of life is that? It might be a risk, but I’d rather think well of people.
Maybe not of roller coasters, though. I’m going to be suspicious of them for the rest of my life.