e-read it

I have finally entered the new era of readership. Ladies and gents, I own an e-reader. A Kindle Paperwhite, to be exact. It’s fabulous. Or he, rather. His name is Sir Roderigo (20 points if you get that reference), and he entered my life on Christmas.

Yeah, I used to be one of those book-in-my-hands type. (Honestly, I’ll always haunt used book stores for a good deal.) But one day, I realized that any time I travelled, my bag was stuffed with a “just in case I get bored” book and a “in case I’m not in the mood for the other one” book and a “in case I finish one of the others” book. (So I hate to be bored, all right?)

I guess it wasn’t a technological decision as much as a health one. I couldn’t keep carrying all those books without needing some physical therapy. Now, under half a pound yields over a thousand books. I will never be bored again. And here’s what’s even better: I designed my own cover. Yeah. It doesn’t get much better than that.

And here’s a neat feature: Sir Roderigo clocks how long it takes me to read a page so he can calculate how long until I finish a chapter. So now when I say “I’ll be done in 5 minutes,” I’ll know I’m not lying. (Unless of course, I start the next chapter.)

I predict Sir Roderigo and I will have many happy years together.

So tell me… What are your top two recommendations of books to download?


  1. Beth Pensinger
    Jan 18, 2013 @ 11:51:09

    Any chance for points if I don’t get the Sir Roderigo reference? 😉


    • halee
      Jan 18, 2013 @ 11:55:27

      I’m sure there will be more chances in the future.. 😉


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