dive bomb

It snuck in the door, buzzing like a chainsaw. The monstrous thing dive-bombed me, hissing a scream as it got closer. I cringed and ducked as it powered toward the kitchen light. I wondered whether the killer insect would sting or bite.

My husband stepped back inside. “There’s a bug in here,” I said, as if commenting on the weather, trying to pretend I hadn’t pondered barricading myself in the closet. “It’s by the light.”

We looked. There was nothing there.

“Eh, it was probably just a moth.”

He would live to regret those words. (more…)

scrub it

Hey friends, didja miss me? I’m interrupting your regularly-scheduled Friday to say I’m back in the world of the internet!

As I type, I am sitting in my new home, using the internet and sipping coffee. (Fresh coffee – freshly roasted, freshly ground. Not the bottled stuff I’ve been forced to drink for several weeks.)

Yep, closing finally happened. On July 25, my husband and I became homeowners again. It’s both exciting and exhausting. I love our new place, but it needs a lot of work. From the kitchen cabinets covered with more grease than anyone should ever use in the kitchen (please people, put down the shortening and grab the olive oil!) to the all-pink bathroom in the basement (ceiling included. Because being inside a Pepto-Bismol bottle was their big dream?) (more…)