I stared at her. I’d never heard those words before.
Well, I’d heard the words before, but not in that order.
“The lady in the car in front of you paid for your coffee.” The words had come from the barista working the Starbucks drive-thru window.
My first thought was “why?” but then I remembered that people sometimes like to do nice things for other people. I forget that sometimes while I’m trying not to be killed by self-absorbed drivers on my commute to work. (more…)
I had a rare experience a couple weeks ago. It happened as I was pulling up to the Starbucks drive-thru. I aimed Luna (my car) into the narrow lane and was thrilled to see there wasn’t a line. The sun was shining, a light breeze was ruffling the trees. A wonderful day.
And then I realized — I had no idea what I wanted.
I always know what I want. I consider it before I leave the apartment. I know whether it’s an iced coffee or hot coffee kind of day. After I decide that, I cycle through my favorite options and find the right one to fit the day. And then I rehearse it in my mind because it usually has over four words. (What can I say? I’m complicated, and so is my coffee.)