
For me, there’s nothing quite as peaceful as a quiet spot under a tree, so when I see a place like that, I have to take a shot of it. I took this shot a couple years ago at a state park and a print of it hangs over my piano. Every time I look at it, it reminds me of peace, serenity, silence. This poem was inspired by the picture and was the focus of a book of photography and poetry that I created as a present for my family. Anyway, I thought I would share it, in case you need a moment of serenity as well.


A moment of peace
afforded to me.
A moment of stillness,
a chance to be.

To sit in the coolness
and breathe the air.
To inhale the silence,
the sun to hear.

A respite of rest
for wanderers weary
to lay aside
the loads they carry.

This sanctuary,
perfect for me.
Stillness. Peace.

trial by existence

Sometimes I think if I had met Robert Frost (which would require me to have been alive during his lifetime), we would have been great friends. But given our mutual introversion, it’s more likely that we would have nodded at each other as we passed on a hike, each of us on our separate way back to our quiet homes.

But the things he wrote, the way he thought, it makes so much sense to me. Every time I read one of his poems, I think Finally! Someone who thinks like I do! Not that I’m putting myself on his level. Maybe one day I could write something with an echo of his style, but I don’t claim to be there. (more…)