rock & drive

Confession: I’m a car-dancer.


I dance sitting in my car. I can’t help myself. I can’t drive without music. And when I hear music, I have to move. When I hear great music, I have to move even more. And it looks ridiculous. At least I assume. I can’t actually see myself. (more…)

drive on

I saw a student driver today. It’s been a while. The roads are so chaotic around here, they’re probably only allowed around the neighborhoods until they have their official licenses. I felt bad for the kid, driving in evening traffic, even if it was just around the suburbs.

And it reminded me of my first driving lesson. When I finally got scheduled for the driving portion of driver’s ed, I was thrilled. I was so ready to drive. The moment I sat behind that wheel and let my foot off the brake (never mind the gas, we just rolled the car first), all I could think was “I’m in charge of something that can kill people.”

No lie. I’d never had that much power before, and I seriously felt the weight of it. It’s a wonder I made it through driver’s ed at all, since every time I drove I thought about the immense responsibility it is to operate a car.

But it wasn’t all seriousness. Somehow humor invades my life constantly. In this case, it was in the form of my driving instructor. (more…)


Luna is back, my friends. She’s been back with me for a couple weeks now, and I’m still recovering from missing her.

Cars keep coming up at work and when I refer to my car as “she,” I always feel the need to explain so that I don’t sound ridiculous. And of course, as you can probably guess, I end up sounding even more nuts. How do I explain to people who don’t really know me yet that I find it completely appropriate to name (and often talk to) cars? (more…)