shades of life

Yesterday, I got a package. And although I knew what was inside, pulling it out made me grin like a five-year-old eyeing her birthday cake.

What was it, you ask, that delighted me so?

A paint deck. As in, every color you could ever imagine, all together in one place.

Beautiful, isn’t it? Lest you picture something small, let me tell you — it’s 11 inches in length, 3 1/2 inches thick. And it’s a good thing I’ve been working out because it sure isn’t light. It’s not just a paint deck. It could double as a weapon or possibly a baseball bat. As a multi-tasker myself, I appreciate that. (more…)


Confession: Yesterday I tore a page out of a book.

I’ve never done that before. I’ve never even dog-eared a page. I try to keep everything as new as possible. If I could make things look newer than when I got them, I would. I’m the person you want to lend books to, because I can promise there won’t be a single wrinkle in those pages when you get it back.

So what was it that compelled me to rip a page? It wasn’t anger. There was nothing wrong with the book. But I tore in the name of craftiness. (more…)