Like any good writer, I’m a fan of books. Even before I could read, they mesmerized me. On this page, you’ll find some of my favorite books, old and new.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
There’s a reason this book became such a sensation. It takes a standard concept (wife goes missing) and complicates it with unreliable narrators and a unique style of revealing the plot. It’s dark. It’s twisty. What’s not to enjoy?
The Heiresses by Sara Shepard
I read this book in one weekend. Believe me, that’s pretty much the greatest compliment I could give. It’s got wealthy celebrities, suspicious deaths, and a massive crypt of secrets, revealed in a style that feels like an entertaining but smart magazine. Yeah, I basically devoured it.
The Cradle will Fall by Mary Higgins Clark
MHC is the undisputed Queen of Suspense, and out of all her books, this one is my favorite. It’s a thriller with a medical edge and psychological elements that kept me flipping page after page. I love books that compel me to keep reading. This certainly did that.
These Things Hidden by Heather Gudenkauf
This complex story explores the secrets connecting four women, all centering on a child. The plot is intricate, the characters are realistically flawed, and the events unfold at just the right pace. It was fast enough to keep me engaged, but slow enough that I was able to get a feel for the characters. A fabulous read.
The Amhearst Mysteries Series by Gayle Roper
I think these four novels were the first books that actually made me laugh. I smile a lot at humorous scenes in books, but I rarely laugh. With these, I couldn’t help myself. Merry, our journalist heroine, stumbles into all sorts of ridiculous and catastrophic scenarios. Her clumsy penchant for mystery makes me adore her and ensures this series is one of my favorites of all time.
Crimes of Fashion Series by Ellen Byerrum
Murder with a fashion flair? I’m in! With a vintage-loving, fashion reporter as the protagonist, all of these books feature murders with a fashion-related element. Is there a better combination?
Just Jane by Nancy Moser
I’ve talked about this one before. It’s the reason I write fiction. If I hadn’t encountered this book at a library five years ago, there’s a strong chance I would not be a novelist now. (You can read that story here.)
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Why do I like this book? One main reason: Jo March. Her passion, her love of words, her desire to change the world. I think she’s my spirit animal. If I believed in such a thing. It’s like someone took me and put me in the 1800s.
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
This was the only book I read in school that I actually enjoyed. The symbolism, the undercurrents, the characters—Nathaniel Hawthorne packed a lot into this little book. It’s great food for thought.