dear Bridget: break it down

Dear Bridget,

I want to tell you a story I first learned as a kid, one of the most important stories I’ve ever learned. It’s a true story about a woman named Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was one of 9 children, the third-born of the family. (How good does your family look right now, huh?) After spending the first part of her childhood in England, her family moved to the United States. Not long later, they ran into major financial problems. Eventually Elizabeth started teaching in order to make money but she struggled to find her place. Teaching wasn’t exactly her dream. (more…)

That time when… I thought the CIA was requisitioning my car

It was an ordinary day on yet another long commute. I had my phone plugged in so I could rock out to one of my Spotify playlists. It’s how I survive.

So there I was, singing along, seat-dancing like I do. And all of a sudden, the music stopped and a loud siren-y wail filled my car. I ceased dancing, looking around at the other cars. Were we all getting this noise?

Or was it just me? (more…)

dear Bridget: who’s that lady

Dear Bridget,

There are so many things I want for you. I want you to know who you are. I want you to figure out what your dreams are and pursue them. And I want you to become a lady.

I know. It sounds like an antiquated concept. No doubt the word conjures an image of a 1950s housewife in a poofy dress, perched on the edge of a fancy sofa while she daintily sips her tea and waits for her husband to come home.

Um, no. What I want for you is not a male-driven concept of femininity. That’s not what being a lady is about. Quite the opposite, actually. (more…)

That time when… I had an altercation

This month’s story comes from a day I ended up getting a scrape on my finger. But that’s obviously not the funny part. It’s the how.

I have a strange habit of talking to myself in my mind.

Well, not always just myself. Also other people who simply aren’t there at the moment. It’s usually whoever happens to be on my mind. I have a constantly running mental dialogue. And sometimes my mouth moves in spite of my best efforts to keep it still. (more…)

Ten Ways Mystery Kills Other Genres

See what I did there? 😉 Let’s be honest: some genres are simply better than others. And naturally, I think mystery is the best, hands-down. Why is it the best? I’m so glad you asked…

1. Death! Mystery writers get to kill people. With finesse and skill and subtlety. And it’s socially acceptable.

2. No genre is better with details. Why? Clues! We have to make you suspicious without even knowing you’re suspicious. We’ve gotta make you doubt and wonder. And then when you’re done, you’ll look back and realize we slipped in all kinds of clues that you were supposed to only half-notice. (more…)