Happy Word Nerd Wednesday! Today’s story is about a very special pet, one we could all learn from.
Neptune is a majestic Greyhound who lives with a lady named Rose. The long-legged creature is an excellent runner, but he would rather spend his days napping or sitting quietly, watching the world with calm eyes. Rose’s friends are confused by how chill her dog is. They want to play with him but Neptune would rather just sit. It makes them wonder if there’s something wrong with him.
Happy Word Nerd Wednesday! Today’s word story involves a unique superpower. Well, it may not be a superpower to most people. But it is to me.
A group of people are waiting in the front of a restaurant where Coral is working as a hostess. They assume she’ll ask how many people are in their party, but she doesn’t. She simply glances at them and says, “Right this way,” leading them to a table for eight, the exact number of their party even though not everyone has arrived yet.
Welcome back to Word Nerd Wednesday! I trust you’ve all finished off those Thanksgiving leftovers and are being fully swept up into Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa preparations. Today’s word nerd story is about being swept up into something rather similar.
Melody is a wonderfully talented fourteen-year-old. Musically gifted, she’s been playing cello since she was a child. And as is the case this time of year, her school has a holiday recital, and Melody has a solo. (more…)