Like about a billion other people, I am on Pinterest. It can get overwhelming, all the random images thrown in your face.
Like a massive department store, it can assault your senses, so I mostly keep to my corner and curate my own little collection of useful images and links. But one of my pins gets pretty regular attention. It’s been repinned from my “marvelous characters” board close to 300 times.
What is this image that seems to grab the attention of the Pinterest world? (more…)
I went to see Ender’s Game a couple weekends ago, admittedly with some trepidation. Why the trepidation? Well the move I saw before that was Gravity. Not a fan. (Can you say cheesy dialogue and never-ending, super-repetitive story-line?) And since all I knew about Ender’s Game was that it took place in space and involved kids, I kept flashing back to my previous exceedingly dull and never-ending experience. So I was more than pleasantly surprised by this movie. (more…)