That’s what happens when you live near a major metropolitan area.
Thankfully, aliens are pretty easy to spot. They cruise around in BMWs and Lexuses, march around in Louboutins and can’t stop talking about celebrity relationships and the latest sale on Gucci/Prada/etc. They’ve had an allowance since birth, got a car on their 16th birthday, and, in some cases, still live at their parents’ place just so they can buy designer clothes instead of spending money on dull things like rent and food. (more…)
My husband thinks it’s gross. (Now you can be shocked.) He doesn’t even like the smell of it.
It’s funny to me, having grown up in a house of non-coffee-drinkers that I would be so delighted by it. The smell of the beans, the sound of it brewing. It makes me smile before I’ve even had a sip. What first drew me to the bold, potent concoction?
Maybe it reminds me of my grandparents, the first coffee-drinkers in my life. (more…)
I dance sitting in my car. I can’t help myself. I can’t drive without music. And when I hear music, I have to move. When I hear great music, I have to move even more. And it looks ridiculous. At least I assume. I can’t actually see myself. (more…)