It was an ordinary morning. That’s always how the best stories start. With ordinary. Normal. Even mundane.
Until a giant crash from my closet intruded on my ordinary morning.
I should have gone running to look. I imagine that’s what most normal humans would do. But the thing is, it was a Monday morning. Which meant I was tired. And I’m a homeowner. Which means I’m used to things going crash and delaying discovering the reason. So it was about 5 minutes before I turned my attention to my closet. (And that was mostly because a towel isn’t considered work appropriate attire.) (more…)
My husband thinks it’s gross. (Now you can be shocked.) He doesn’t even like the smell of it.
It’s funny to me, having grown up in a house of non-coffee-drinkers that I would be so delighted by it. The smell of the beans, the sound of it brewing. It makes me smile before I’ve even had a sip. What first drew me to the bold, potent concoction?
Maybe it reminds me of my grandparents, the first coffee-drinkers in my life. (more…)
Today is a special day. On this day, in 1932, one of my favorite people entered the world. I would not be the same without him. (You can read more about him here.)
Here’s a big happy birthday to one of the best people I know and the person who believes I’m capable of just about anything: my grandfather.
Thank you for imparting your sense of humor to me, along with your love of coffee. The world would seem so dull without them. And the world would seem so dull without you. Thank you for understanding me in a way no one else could.