my favorite things

Wanna know what makes me smile? Here are some of my favorite things (with more added all the time):

  1. coffee
  2. teal
  3. dark chocolate
  4. dancing
  5. great music
  6. unique journals
  7. daffodils
  8. fun earrings
  9. the smell of fresh cinnamon rolls
  10. good books (add to number 1 and you’ve got a great combo)
  11. sunsets
  12. the scent of freshly-cut grass
  13. my purple chucks
  14. and shoes, in general
  15. and being barefoot (especially in the grass or on the beach)
  16. ohh, the beach- it’s my happy place
  17. IKEA
  18. thunderstorms
  19. museums
  20. sunlight on my face
  21. Sir Roderigo (my Kindle PaperWhite)
  22. theatre
  23. word puzzles (except crosswords- too typical)
  24. my macbook air
  25. great design/style
  26. thinking
  27. photography (especially being the person behind the camera)
  28. grilled asparagus
  29. forests
  30. traveling
  31. Bath & Body Works hand soaps
  32. autumn
  33. Robert Frost’s poetry
  34. strawberries
  35. scarves and hats (and I knit, so you can imagine how dangerous this is…)
  36. Ten Thousand Villages
  37. good deals
  38. Luna (my Nissan Versa hatchback)
  39. gemstones (keep your boring diamonds, I don’t want ’em!)
  40. making candles